Nov 2, 2015


MESH-SLEEVES JACKET. YOU MISS ME? Oh just say yes, please. Okay, I've just skipped blogging for almost 2 months, I guess. Seriously, I'm not taking any outfit photos either. I was just wayyyyyyyyyyyy too lazy, but I'm trying to keep my social media alive, tho. See me more on my Snapchat & Instagram under the same username: czles.

SO, got this jacket from Own Da Street for like, 4 months ago. Dammit, long enough, just realized it. Forgive me, lol. ODS is a local label under this amazing blogger buddy of mine, Putri Valentina. Of course you knew her, she's way more famous than be, lol! Anyway, I just love the jacket, it suits me well and its black. You know I'm such a black person, don't you? Ha! You guys can check their collection on their website here or their instagram here.

Oh yes, I become one of the featured blogger on's blog. I'll be giving you many information like, my outfit, fashion show reports, fashion tips, and many more. So, make sure you follow me and read my article there by clicking here!

And I guess that's all for today! Hope you enjoy the shots like you used to be. 'Till the next post and Happy Monday-post! xx